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We use modern cleaning equipment and high-quality products that guarantee efficient and fast cleaning.

Carpet Cleaning

We offer a specialized desk and folder cleaning service, designed to keep work areas tidy, clean and healthy. We know that a clean and organized environment not only improves the image of an office, but also increases the productivity and well-being of those who work in it.

Our team is responsible for deep cleaning folders, eliminating dust, stains and allergens that tend to accumulate over time. Additionally, we offer thorough cleaning of desks, disinfecting surfaces, organizing work spaces and ensuring that each station is free of dirt and bacteria, which helps create a healthier and more pleasant environment.

Service Overview

Deep Carpet Cleaning: We use advanced techniques and specialized products to remove stains, dust, mites and allergens that accumulate in the fibers of the folders, improving air quality and keeping them looking like new.
Disinfection of Desks and Work Surfaces: Nos enfocamos en limpiar y desinfectar a fondo los escritorios, eliminando bacterias, gérmenes y suciedad, especialmente en áreas de contacto frecuente como teclados, teléfonos y mouse.
Care of materials and surfaces: We adapt to different types of materials and surfaces, using safe techniques that prevent damage to wooden, glass, metal and other finished desks, as well as carpets.
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